Written By: Katie McDonald
Intro By: Jack Ventura
The Wave Sliders Journal started off as a weekly newsletter sent directly to your inbox.
Since then, we've put more focus on one story per month, keeping in tune with our ethos of quality over quantity, less is more…
There are a few gems in the early Wave Sliders Journal archives that didn't make it into the new blog format, so over the next few months we'll be digging up these great stories for you to enjoy (perhaps for the first time, perhaps again).
So to dive in, here's a throwback from WSJ #013 with some beautiful words and photography from Katie McDonald.

My name is Katie, I am not a writer so bear with me. I hope Jack spell checks this one...
My mind works in images and scenes rather than numbers and letters. I can explain, learn, and teach by doing and showing rather than writing or articulating my thoughts. By craft, I call myself a photographer and videographer. But before that I am a daughter, a sister, a lover of life, a friend, a sun-seeker. I could go on for a while.
I keep my mind open almost to a fault, I find most things in life are beautiful, I trust easily and live to create. I have a deep appreciation for all art forms, especially with the ones I struggle the most with.

Currently, I have the pleasure of being a fellow creative for Warm Agency and @Warm-Collective.
We are a creative agency based in Costa Mesa, CA with an all-female team. Being a part of an all-women team holds great value to me. I grew up surrounded by one very strong woman in particular and have modeled my life after her many successes. If you know me you know how much I cherish my relationships especially with those who are family or
have become family.

A quote that comes to mind is “friends are family.” This was the slogan my cousin used for his surf brand. The brand was called “DeC” meaning the waves are “decent”.
He is the reason I started surfing and it’s now something I plan my days around. Surfing was one of the many aspects of life he loved, it’s now become something that allows me to feel connected to him.
The ocean is a healing place.
I feel honored to be included in the Wave Sliders Journal. I love the simplicity that is FARO, I feel connected to the brand’s passion for creating high quality products. But above all that the sense of community the founder, Jack, has created.
I think featuring other
creators, activists, and incredible people is what makes a brand so special. It’s always people that make the place after all.
With love,

What Katie Is Stoked On!

In The Community:
Warm Agency and @Warm-Collective, a creative agency based in Costa Mesa, CA with an all-women team!
In Thoughts And Quotes:
"Friends are family."

In The Faro Workshop:
FARO's Wave Slider Journal
I think featuring other creators, activists, and incredible people is what makes a brand so special.
It’s always people that make the place, after all.
All photos by Katie. Follow Katie on IG: @katiiemcdonald or check out her print shop here.
Thanks for reading, ya'll! Look out for the next WAVE SLIDERS JOURNAL coming soon.
- Jack