Written By: Trent Stevens
Intro By: Jack Ventura
I am honored and stoked to share our first WSJ of the year!
Written by California's finest Central Coast character, Trent Stevens. You've likely seen his Surfers Journal cover (pictured above) in Vol. 31 No. 4, and you might have spotted his bumper stickers adorning cars up and down both coasts (if not, swing by his website to grab some!). A true gentleman and talented surfer photographer, I'm stoked to have Trent be part of this series.
Thanks for participating, Trent!

Who are you?
Share a few sentences explaining who you see yourself as these days...
I am a surfer who enjoys photographing surfing. My goal is to create timeless images that have more weight to them than a photo of person doing a bottom turn. I’ve been shooting surfing since I was 13 and consider myself lucky for the opportunities I have had.

What was your first job?
First jobs reveal a lot about who we are.
My first job was at Cass st cafe in San Diego. I liked some of the waitresses who worked there and they were the first place to respond to my resume.

What have you learned through surfing that translates to everyday life?
What you have learned from surfing and how those lessons help you through daily livin'...
Surfing is something that I do as an outlet for my physical and mental health. I often approach being on the ocean as my solution to the overwhelming noise of life, which isn’t always the best as it becomes a selfish activity I need to accomplish for my sanity. I have lately been reflecting on my attitudes in and out of the water and am trying to remove myself from crowds and focus on the core of the activity. It’s not fair to bring your problems on land into the lineup.

What is something you'd like to accomplish in the next 10 years?
Share a goal for the next decade, and how surfing might have influenced these aspirations.
I would love to get my captains license and explore waves further than those readily available with a parking lot. I want the knowledge and skills to be comfortable in any conditions as well as the wisdom to know when not to be in certain conditions.

What Trent Is Stoked On Lately...

Someone in the surf community you are stoked on:
Very stoked on Nole Cossart riding his Kookbox in waves of consequence.
A quote you like?
Going to plug my bumper stickers “I’m not the reason you’re not getting waves” & “Stop surfing, Go to therapy”

A place you want to visit that you have not been to yet?
I would love to go to New Zealand and surf Ragland. Chicama would be a dream as well. I’m a goofy footer in the land of rights and crave a left hand point.
Follow Trent on IG: @seawolfcollective or check out his website here.
Thanks for reading, ya'll! Look out for the next WAVE SLIDERS JOURNAL coming soon.
- Jack