Written By: FARO Founder, Jack Ventura
Entry 04 - A Rant on Surfing & Simplicity.
Simplicity, the word that keeps coming up for me in conversation these past few years, it’s the topic I can't seem to get away from… How can I take away stuff? How can I take away the wanting and needing of the perceived value that unnecessary physical products, thoughts, and emotions give me? Everything, even down to the movements I make in my surfing, how can I take it all away only leaving what's most important?
In life, in business, and in surfing, I keep stripping stuff away. The new perspectives, with less, show how complicated things were, and how complicated it still is. Or, more correctly, how I perceive things to be complicated…
As I take a more mindful approach to life, and this idea of simplicity, I often sit quietly and question what it is that I am seeking by making things more simple. What is most important? Where is the stripped layer that finally feels like enough has been taken away?
The same answer to those questions usually arises; The stripped layer where things are simple and easy is right here on the surface! It is right now, this layer, that is the simplest version of what could be. I am seeking to constantly understand that more and more and it is a journey.
This is not an opinion on localism or aggression in the lineup, simply it is an observation of the peculiarity that exists in the act of sliding on walls of water, and what many forms of richness and perspective it brings to our lives.
As I try to remember the idea that every wave is an opportunity to deepen the connection to what already is, I feel that I am stepping closer to simplicity. I can carry that mindset over into the rest of life and continue to appreciate what is, and what is necessary, slowly stripping everything else away.
Thank you surfing.
Written By:
Jack Ventura
What We're Stoked ON...
In The Surf Community:
Winter Surf Giveaway!
I am stoked on this winter giveaway we are doing right now! Winning a free wetsuit is HUGE! To enter just click the Winter Survival Giveaway Photo.
*Update: Giveaway Ended*
In Thoughts & Quotes:
“The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life; it’s so easy to make it complex.”
— Yvon Chouinard, 180° South
In The Faro Workshop:
Stoked Plastic Canvas: Our new board bags are all made using Stoked Plastic RPET Polyester a.k.a. recycled polyester. The unique part about our RPET is that it is directly sourced from plastic waste that is pulled out of the ocean in Indonesia. This last run of board bags pulled a total of 51,000 plastic bottles out of the ocean!! Something I am damn proud of. Check out the board bags HERE.
Thanks for reading y'all
If you have any questions, or just want to say what's up you can contact me here.